Isn’t it always so tragic to come home after vacation? It already feels like a million years ago that I was lounging poolside at the Excellence Playa Mujeres. Fortunately, I still enjoy the residual mellowness of five days of frozen cocktails and sunshine even a week later. Sigh…

Those who know me well know that I’m a hard-core travel junkie and love getting knee-deep in travel arrangements and research. But that was a liability the last time I tried to plan a tropical getaway. There are simply too many islands and fabulous resorts to research, and once I went down that rabbit hole, I was frozen by indecision.
This time I decided to pick the first resort with reasonable prices, direct flights, and excellent trip advisor reviews. Turns out that’s easier said than done, so I was thrilled to find The Excellence Playa Mujeres met all three requirements.

Rarely have I ever found a hotel with such universally great reviews, and after experiencing it, I think it’s merited. The last time my honey and I planned a tropical trip, we were snobs about all-inclusives. Since we’re intrepid travelers, we thought all-inclusive resorts were for lazy Americans too fearful to experience authentic culture.
After a pleasant but not all that luxurious jaunt to the Semana peninsula in the Dominican Republic, complete with epic mosquitos and a near-death experience with a moped-driving local, we concluded that while we’re all about authenticity in destinations like Morocco or Argentina, on a tropical vacation, a little American-style pampering isn’t a bad thing!
We arrived to the Excellence to find a gorgeous resort, resplendent with turquoise pools, a well-groomed beach, peaceful palapas, and a bounty of nine different all-inclusive restaurants. Greeted with a smile and a glass of champagne, we couldn’t wait to explore!
What we had so missed out on during our previous trip was the ever-important role service plays. This is where Excellence excels. The staff is genuinely eager to address and even anticipate your every need. When they heard it was our birthdays, they arranged for balloons, a cake, and a bottle of Mexico’s finest bubbly (who knew?!) to show up in our room.

Each day, we took our perch to a different spot around the pool and were cared for by a waiter who plied us with frozen delights like the banana mama or the dirty monkey. Too lazy to even make a proper decision when it came to drinking, I’d say something like – ooh, something with Kahlua and not too sweet, and mere moments later, I’d be slurping down some tropical treat always tailored to my specifications. Is there a 12-step program for banana mama’s? If so, I’m checking Mr. AT in stat.
We were starving for guacamole and chips on our first day, but the kitchen wasn’t open yet. As soon as it was 12, our waiter remembered our hours earlier order and brought us the food and our 5th cocktail of the day (what else are you supposed to do while waiting for guac?) It’s just that kind of place.

I would be remiss to ignore the relative mediocrity of the food. The major drawback to an all-inclusive is that the food is more plentiful than delicious. Fortunately, with so many dining choices, we could at least try out something new every night, even if we were never wowed. Not surprisingly, I’m tough to please with food, so I imagine that most people would find the food more than adequate.
I would have given anything for some Buford Highway quality authentic Mexican. Still, Excellence is playing to the masses and kept things much more middle-American friendly (read: not a truly spicy or authentic dish in sight). Somehow, though, the blandness didn’t mean we ate less. There’s just something about food being free that makes me want to have a bite of everything.
Fortunately we were advised to save the French restaurant, Chez Isabelle, for our birthdays. We were treated to a table with balloons and surprisingly good steak, venison, and duck dishes. It all felt rather Epcot, but so what? They were gracious, the setting was lovely, and we didn’t have to get out our wallets after sunning ourselves. I go on many vacations for great food, but in this case, luxurious environs, service, and sun were much more my focus.
Surprisingly enough, the Indian spot was our other favorite, and the little Mexican food we tried there, including the quesadillas, was shockingly bad. But being able to order anything else you wanted at any time, took the edge off that. Heck, Mr. AT just loved taking M&M’s from the minibar without incurring extra costs. It’s the simple pleasures, right? And despite so-so food, the cocktails were fruity, cold, and plentiful, which makes you forget any other complaints!
All in all, I can’t recommend Excellence Playa Mujeres highly enough. When you’re not sunning, boozing or eating, there’s live music and nightly shows ready to entertain and exceed expectations, and there are plenty of active pursuits for those less lazy than us. Be sure to check out Expedia for great flight/hotel packages!
Want a little slice of Excellence right now? Check out this recipe to make a Dirty Monkey at home.
Adventurous Tastes is reader-supported. This article includes affiliate links for which I may receive compensation. All opinions are honest and not influenced by affiliate relationships.
We're going to EPM for my birthday in a couple months so I was happy to find your blog/review. Thanks for sharing!