I love Christmas. From the decorations to blasting holiday playlists, I’m all in. But one of my favorite December treats is holiday booze. You’ve probably tried eggnog and mulled wine, but allow me to expand your repertoire of Christmas cocktails with a few favorites from other cultures.

Christmas cocktails from European Christmas Markets
Mulled Wine
Let’s start with the classics. Mulled wine combines red wine (don’t waste your expensive stuff), brandy, and warming spices like cinnamon and cloves. It smells divine and warms you up nicely on a chilly evening of perusing holiday markets. Try this classic mulled wine recipe.
In 2019, my family went to Denmark and Germany for Christmas markets, and it was truly one of the most magical things we’ve ever done. I could fill volumes on why these are so wonderful, but for now, let’s focus on the plentiful alcoholic options.
When we visited Denmark, the Christmas markets were full of glogg. It’s a hygge-inspiring cousin to traditional mulled wine, mixing things up by adding raisins and nuts to the mix. Swedish glogg is stronger because of the addition of aquavit or vodka. I prefer the Danish version, but you do you.
One of the most fun parts of drinking at holiday markets is that each market has its own custom mugs. I came home with quite a collection!
Try this Danish glogg or the stronger Swedish variation.

Christmas cocktails – but set them on fire! Introducing the Feurzangenbowl
Not to be outdone, the Germans take their gluhwein (basically the same as what we call mulled wine) and light it on fire! I first tried this at the Middle Ages Christmas market in Munich. They poured me a giant goblet of gluhwein and then lit it up. You have to love a drink that’s also a spectacle!
Blow your guests’ minds with this Feurzangenbowle recipe.
At Munich’s delightful Pink Christmas market, I fell in love with the simple pleasures of Lumumba, hot chocolate spiked with brandy. This drink can be enjoyed year-round when made with chocolate milk. It’s named after the former leader of the Congo and is apparently one of the most popular alcoholic drinks in that country.

This rich German take on eggnog was my holiday market beverage of choice. Its base is Eierlikör, a German egg liquor, to which you add white wine and spices. While Eierlikör might seem like eggnog, there are some key differences. Egg liquor is an egg-based alcohol made with egg yolks, cream, and rum, while eggnog is made with yolks and milk and doesn’t include liquor on its own.
You might find a similar egg liquor at your local store if you get lucky. We did last year, but I must admit that eierpunsch just wasn’t the same experience at my house as it was strolling around among the twinkling lights of an actual castle. Learn to make your own Eierlikör and Eierpunsch
Christmas cocktails beyond the markets
Last year, we were stuck at home for the holidays, so I had to explore other options for cross-cultural beverage sampling. When I read about Coquito, and I knew I had to try it. With its creamy texture and the combination of cream of coconut and spices like cinnamon, this classic Puerto Rican drink is like a holiday pina colada. It was a delectable addition to our holiday arsenal. Make your own with this classic version.
Cafe Tigre
My good friend, Suzy, used her pandemic downtime to start a gorgeous Instagram feed/cocktail business. I haven’t tried it yet, but this horchata holiday cocktail looks amazing! Follow her @spiritedshaker
Plan your own trip to Europe for the holidays or Austrian Christmas markets to try some of these cocktails!